When you’re working on your next renovation or adaptive reuse project, reduce costs by retrofitting with Kalwall. Window replacement systems can achieve energy efficiency via adaptive solutions by low-cost retrofit installation in existing penetrations.
Kalwall comes in highly customizable sizes and increased span capabilities to fit any existing opening. The panels are factory unitized saving on field labor and providing fast installation time with minimal interruption to occupants. Kalwall features exceptional thermal performance, low solar heat gain, integrated vision glazing and graffiti resistance. Kalwall’s window system can also come equipped with a fixed, operable sash, opaque spandrel panels and fixed drainable louvers. Standard and customizable KCRF™ colors are available. Kalwall is excellent for both windows and skylights.
Let’s find a solution for your retrofitting needs!
Check out our: Daylighting/Skylight inspection, repairs, maintenance and retrofitting

(Left) Standard Commercial Face Sheet (Middle) Standard Face Sheet w/ Film/Coated (Right) Kalwall Standard Super-Weather
Kalwall’s original panel technology consisted of little to no UV erosion resistance. Todays installed panels feature Kalwall’s newly incorporated super-weathering fiberglass sheets produced with an exclusive resin formula only available with Kalwall—that’s right, the competition still uses the original yellowing face sheets.
Kalwall’s new standard face sheet is a quantum leap ahead of the competition, incorporating a new innovative technology that permanently bonds a tough glass barrier into the exterior of the composite, providing lifetime protection. Pictured above, we have photographed weathered samples of the original and new materials side-by-side. You can see for yourself the color shift in the original face sheet versus the new standard having no apparent color change after 5-years of UV exposure. ASTM D-2244 determined the color shift over the test cycle. The test yielded the following results:

Note: after 5-years, Kalwall has had little color change with or without coatings. The competition changes over 30 CIE Units without coatings after 3-years.
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